HELP +919137041653
Name of the account: LLDNCOC
Name of the Bank where fees are to be paid: HDFC BANK
Account Number: 50100536676518
IFSC Code: HDFC0000356
Note : The institution this year (2023-24) has a cut off of at least 50% for admission to B.M.S .
Please do not apply for the B.M.S course if you have less then 50% in S.Y.J.C.
FEE DETAILS for the F.Y.B.M.S course.
No. of seats available: 60
All fees payable are to be paid in the beginning of the Academic year.
The students are required to pay the FULL Fees (Online) to the institution by using the below mentioned Bank details:
Please collect the offline form from the office.
Fill the online form and upload a screenshot of the fees paid online.
Bachelor of Management Studies (B.M.S) is a three-year undergraduate program that offers advanced studies in the field of management which is necessary to run an organization efficiently. It also provides in-depth knowledge of human resource management, economics, and business studies.
The B.M.S course provides students with vast knowledge of the changing world of management, new business techniques, entrepreneurship, trading, finance, stock and risk analysis. It includes various training sessions and co-curricular activities that are essential for the overall development of the students to help them understand the real world challenges.
B.M.S also teaches budding entrepreneurs how to expand their businesses with least number of risks. Students learn to critically analyze situations and to solve the complexities of management.
Highlights: Seminars, Projects, Practical training, Industrial visits, Conferences, Expert talks
Placement assistance on completion of the 3rd year of course will be provided.
Bachelor of Management Studies (B.M.S)