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This educational institute was incepted 89 years ago, to carry forward the dreams of a Visionary and Philanthropist - Sheth Shri Lalji Dayal. The objective of the institution was that every child who wishes to get educated, can do so and no child should remain illiterate in the Gujarati Community. Today, that dream has continued and the school has achieved it's glory due to the dedication of all who have been associated with it.
Sheth Shri Lalji Dayal was born in the year 1856 in Gujarat, Kutch Mandvi. At a tender age of 11 years, when children of his age were enjoying their childhood, he was introduced in the family business. In his entire lifespan, he achieved success in all his business ventures and they flourished, due to his foresight and the business acumen that he possessed. He was always interested in investing in ventures that would pay rich dividends and also serve the society at large. He was particularly interested into acquisition of property. One such property is the property of the school, where in 1924, he bought over an institution (Gandharva Mahavidyalaya).